Pakistani Beauty Tips for Face Whitening in Urdu

Glowing face looks attractive therefore this post features beauty tips for face whitening in urdu, these professional beauty tips in urdu would help you revitalize dull skin.  Is your complexion is getting dull overtime? or your skin is getting rough? It’s normal because of our daily tough routine, stress factor and environmental problems. But you don’t need to worry what you all need is just little skincare routine for maintaining fair complexion it’s really important to adopt a proper skincare and beauty tips for face at home to maintain beauty forever.

Pakistani Beauty Tips for Face Whitening in Urdu

Best Beauty Tips for Face Whitening in Urdu

For getting a glowing face you can find lots of beauty tips for face whitening but this article features proven face whitening tips by skin specialists you all know these noted professionals like doctor Khurram, doctor Fazeela and others. So if you are really interested in enhancing your complexion follow the face whitening beauty tips to regain your fairness. Like face whitening, girls seriously long for long hair so have look on the following post.

  • Related: Long hair tips in urdu to grow hair fast naturally
  • Pro beauty tip for face whitening: If you want to get glowing face stick to a morning or evening routine or use any of the face whitening beauty tip that suits you most trust me it would be worthy trying these as long as you are consistent.

Beauty Tips Video in Urdu

For getting beauty tips for face whitening watch the video below that will show you how to make face whitening cream in rupees 150 only at home.

Beauty Tip # 1 Rose Petal & Barley

Apply this rose petal and barley (it’s called jo in urdu) mixture for half an hour to get fair skin. This mixture is full of power ingredients that helps in hydrating and refreshing skin without harmful chemicals. For your convenience I shared this beauty tip in urdu so you can easily understand how to apply this.

Required ingredients:

  • rose petals 1/3 cup
  • barely flour 1/3 cup
  • glycerin 1 tsp
  • rose water as required depending on the thickness of paste
  • honey 2 tsp
  • How to apply: Mix all the ingredients in a blender and apply the mixture for 1/2 an hour twice a week to get good results.

Pakistani Beauty Tips for Face Whitening in Urdu

Beauty tip # 2 Potato & Cucumber Face Mask

This face mask is another excellent beauty tip that you could use for skin glow, all the ingredients used in this mixture are natural and effective for skin whitening at home. This mask is perfect for all skin types

Required Ingredients:

  • lemon 3 tbsp
  • full cream milk 2 tsp
  • corn flour 2 tsp
  • 2 potato meshed
  • 1 cucumber meshed
  • Almond powder 1 tbsp
  • vinegar 2 tsp
  • How to apply: Mix all the ingredients in a mixture and apply for 1/2 and hour and then wash the face with plain water.

Pakistani Beauty Tips for Face Whitening in Urdu

Beauty Tip # Home made Face Whitening Mask

This mask woks well for removing dirt and blackheads and moisturize the skin too. This homemade mask could be used for whole body whitening.

Required ingredients:

  • a handful of rose petals
  • Epsom salt 1 tsp
  • Lahori salt a pinch
  • dry milk one cup
  • lavender oil 1 tsp
  • mineral water as required
  • How to apply: Mix all the above mentioned ingredients and apply before taking bath.
    Pakistani Beauty Tips for Face Whitening in Urdu

Beauty Tip # Skin Whitening Cream at Home

This is natural skin whitening cream that you could easily make at home to avoid the harmful whitening creams available in the market.

Required ingredients:

  • fresh milk 1 cup
  • vitamin E 2-3 capsule that you can get from any drug store
  • gram flour 2 tbsp
  • honey 3 tbsp
  • glycerin 2 tbsp
  • almond powder 3 tbsp
  • coriander powder 1 1/2 tbsp
  • any vitamin E medicated lotion
  • mint leaves 10-12
  • How to apply: Pour all the ingredients in a pan and cook to make a thick cream. Refrigerate the cream and use when needed. Massage the cream on face or whole body for 15 minutes.

Pakistani Beauty Tips for Face Whitening in Urdu

Above you explore beauty tips in urdu for face whitening and glowing skin at home that are suitable for every skin type. Remember we all have good skin but due to lack of skincare routine we lose glow to revive your skin constant skincare routine is significant, I tried my best to give you the best beauty tips for skin fairness by different skin specialists. If you like the article share it with others to help others to get benefit out of it. For any question or queries regarding skin issues you can follow me on social or contact me via email. Keep visiting this website because I would share lots of related stuff in future.

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